Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Frisbee Dog

Um, excuse me.
Please to be throwing my Frisbee?

It would make my Aussie eyes smile...

I got it. I got it. I got it.

Yeah, I got it. I rock. I'm amazing.

Check out this perfect form...
Doggie Bliss
Thanks, Dad!

I haz a Blowfish

dear Cari and beatrix,
this iz my favrit new toy. i carry it evrywear and i luv to talk with it in my mouf. my parents said blowfish are danegerus, so i feel extra tuff when i play with it...even tho itz pink and girly. i've been so bizzy playing with it i fergot to thank you befour.

k thanks love lucy

oh and anna likez the moosething 2...but she'z bizzy chasin' frizbeez.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008